Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Hello All!

I thought it was high time that I start blogging! I read and follow a lot of different blogs and thought why not do one too!

This Thanksgiving was spent without my better half, he's deployed to Afghanistan. The best news is, is that he'll be home late December! I can now say that time has flown by, but if you had asked me that in August, I would have told you it was going by so flippin slow! The kids and I went over to a friends house, I was in charge of making the desserts! I made the best cheesecake from The Pioneer Woman's site, a pumpkin cheesecake that Tyson gave me, and sweet potato casserole that I found last year from! It was amazing! The weather was perfect, the food was great and the company was the best! Being in the military, I have had to say goodbye to a lot of good friends over the years, and this day was one of those days. Sarah and her beautiful family said goodbye and moved up to Washington state. To me, it's never really goodbye, but more like see you later! The neat part is, I think they may be in the same neighborhood as my good friend Karen! It's a small world!

We brought home lots of leftovers! Tired kids and mom, put Z-man in the tub and it was off to bed! I had Friday off, but wasn't about to venture out and do Black Friday! We went to Haby's bakery and got doughnuts, as anyone would do the day after eating their weight in turkey! Zac took a nap then we braved the crowds at Target to see the damage! It was still packed at 2pm! Crazy people!

It's been a great weekend, of course I don't want to go back to work! But my couch needs a break! 


  1. Happy to see you bloggin! =)

  2. thanks ma'dear! now if i could just figure out how to navigate this i would be cool!
